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Used Book Sales

Ongoing book sales help fund library programs

The Friends of Queen Anne’s County Library raises funds for enhancing library programs through ongoing sales of used books in the lobbies of both the Kent Island and Centreville libraries. In addition, the Friends holds an Annual Book Sale, at which community members can select from hundreds of used books to expand their home libraries.


Hardcover Books - $1

Paperback Books (most sizes) - $1

Audiobooks - $1

DVDs - $1

Pocket-sized Paperback Books (4.25 in x 7 in) - 25 cents

Children's Picture Books - 25 cents

CDs - 25 cents

Magazines - free

Friends Annual Book Sales

Next Book Sale: Friday, April 19 and Saturday, April 20, 2024, at Kent Island Branch, 200 Library Circle, Stevensville


If you have any questions about upcoming book sales or donations, please feel free to get in touch.Contact Us

Book Donations

The Friends appreciate donations of gently used books to be sold.  Please remember that the books you donate must be sellable; as you cull your personal library, please consider the following donation guidelines:

Yes Please! No, Thank You!
Fiction in good condition Textbooks and encyclopedias
Non-fiction in good condition Computer books over 5 years old
History, biography in good condition Library discards
Cook books in good condition Books defaced, underlined, or written in
Gardening and crafting books in good condition Books with water damage
Travel books in good condition less than 5 years old Books smelling of smoke or mildew
Potentially rare and valuable books Books with foxed or torn pages
Children's books in good condition Reader's Digest condensed books
Audio books, DVDs, Blu-ray discs VHS tapes, CDs and Records

Donations can be delivered to the Library only on specified donation days. Please do not leave books outside of the buildings or in the library lobbies.

Do you have a sizable donation to make? Plan to come to one of our Book Donation Days scheduled throughout the year.  View our events page for information on upcoming Donation Days.  We can accept boxes of good quality books at these days.



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