Please click "Membership" to join the Friends of QAC Library!

To make a donation

Our standard donations are accepted through the PayPal Giving Fund, a no-fee 501(c)3. Click on the PayPay "Donate Now" option here.


Donations may be made via the PayPal button above. To make a donation in somebody's honor, follow the prompts of form below. Or donate via check by printing the reply card here and mailing with your check to:

P.O. Box 482
Grasonville, Maryland 21638

Checks should be made payable to Friends of QAC Library, and please include your full name, mailing address, and email address, so we can properly acknowledge your donation. If you are making a donation in someone’s honor or memory, please include a note with the name of whom are you honoring.



Use the form below ONLY if you would like to make a donation in someone’s honor or in someone’s memory. For direct donations, please use the PayPal button above which will lead you to a separate form.

© 2016 - Friends of Queen Anne's County Library | Designed by Scrawl Design