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Friends’ Porch Book Sale Raised Nearly $1,700 for Queen Anne’s County Library

Thank you readers, book lovers, and Library Friends! As a result of purchasing items, joining the Friends, or renewing Friends’ membership, the Friends of Queen Anne’s County Library raised nearly $1,700 at the August 29, 2015 Porch Book Sale. The proceeds will be given to the library to help them purchase a digital photo scanner system. Hardback, paperbacks, and DVDs for all ages and reading interests were displayed on tables on the porch and in the meeting room. Children’s books and DVDs were particular favorites of shoppers, who filled bags, and even boxes, with their purchases. Many Friends Members attended the preview sale the evening prior and made a number of purchases and renewed their memberships. Although the Friends held just one book sale this year, the Friends are planning to hold two book sales in 2016.

The porch book sale would not have been possible without the dedicated group of Friends Members and volunteers who stored, boxed, sorted, arrange items on display tables, refreshed empty tables during the sale, helped shoppers, and re-boxed unsold items. The Friends donated the unsold books to St. Luke’s Chapel in Queenstown, MD.

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