Friends of the Library Announces Quilt Raffle Winner
The board of directors of the Friends of Queen Anne’s County Library is delighted to congratulate JoAnn Woodward, who won a handcrafted quilt being raffled off by the Friends. The quilt was created by the Queen Bees–a group of quilters who live on the Eastern Shore and belong to
Seeking 2023 Board of Directors Members
The Friends of the Queen Anne’s County Library has hundreds of members and provides thousands of dollars to the Library each year to support programs and projects aligned with Queen Anne’s County Library’s priorities. The Friends organization is governed by an all-volunteer Board of Directors. Directors develop and implement fundraising
Year in Review – 2021
Please see the Year in Review VIDEO in which we share some highlights from 2021 (click on VIDEO). The generosity of members of the Friends of QAC Library was evident throughout the year and enabled the organization to provide Queen Anne’s County Library with a record level of support in
Year in Review: 2020
While there is much that we would all like to forget about 2020, the Friends of Queen Anne’s County Library does have much to be thankful for, despite the year being such a challenge in so many ways. The generosity of the members of the Friends was on display throughout
Friends to Raffle Hand-made Quilt
The Friends of Queen Anne’s County Library will be selling raffle tickets for the chance to win a beautiful hand-made quilt. Pieced and quilted by a local Queen Anne’s County quilt bee, the 57 inch x 66 inch quilt includes a mix of blue, green, and white fabrics in an
County Leaders Set to Face Off in Friends of QAC Library Spelling Bee
The Friends of the Queen Anne’s County Adult Spelling Bee is set for Thursday, October 19, when 9 teams will go head-to-head in a battle to find the champion spellers of the county! Participating teams are representing: the Centreville Town Council, Matapeake Elementary School, Symphony Village outreach, Centreville Rotary, Gunston
County Provides Funding to Launch KI Library Expansion
The Queen Anne’s County Commissioners voted to include $325,000 in its FY2018 budget for the planning and design of an expansion of the county’s Kent Island library, matching a grant from the State of Maryland to support this project, which will now launch in late 2017. As noted by the Bay Times,
Bay Times Reports on New Appointments to the Friends Board of Directors
The Kent Island Bay Times reported on March 15, 2017, about changes to the composition of the Board of Directors of the Friends of Queen Anne’s County which voted on at the 2017 Friends Annual Meeting. After serving as the president for more than 3 years–since the launch of the county’s Friends
Thank You, Outreach of Symphony Village!
The Friends of Queen Anne’s County Library recently received a generous donation of $2,700 from Outreach of Symphony Village. These funds were raised during the 8th Annual Card and Game Party held by Outreach of Symphony Village. More than 100 people attended the event at the Symphony Village clubhouse in
Friends’ Work Recognized in Bay Times and Record-Observer
Eastern Shore newspapers recognized the Friends’ recent contribution of new furniture to the Kent Island library, noting that the library director welcomed this addition to the busy branch. The article also provides details on the Friends’ Annual Meeting and invites interested community members to become a Friend! See “Friends Provide
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